Compilation of HDPE Sliplinning projects for the City of Edmonton

Posted by | February 19, 2014 | Past Projects | 5 Comments
27 HDPE sliplinning water main crp products

Sliplinning is a rehabilitation process in which a smaller HDPE pipe is inserted into a larger pipe and commonly used to repair leaks or restore structural stability of existing pipeline.

Projects also included the rental of fusion equipment and experienced, certified fusion technicians.

32 HDPE sliplinning water main crp products

32″ HDPE sliplinning water main project

32 HDPE sliplinning water main crp products 1

32″ HDPE sliplinning water main project

32 HDPE sliplinning water main crp products 3

32″ HDPE sliplinning water main project

27 HDPE sliplinning water main crp products shipping

27″ HDPE sliplinning water main project

27 HDPE sliplinning water main crp products

27″ HDPE sliplinning water main project

27 HDPE sliplinning water main crp products

27″ HDPE sliplinning water main project


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