Services Archives - CRP Products and Manufacturing

perforating HDPE pipe

HDPE Perforated Pipe

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CRP has the right technology to perforate pipe that will perform as you expect. Our equipment has the ability to provide perforations at any orientation and a wide range of hole sizes depending on your design drainage requirements.

Pipe available in a variety of sizes and custom spool piece configurations. Includes filter sock.

Benefits of using HDPE: light weight, flexible and cost effective for transportation and installation.

perforating HDPE pipe

HDPE Manways

Custom Fabrication

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CRP specializes in custom fabrication for typical and unique applications, we have the combine expertise and versatility to produce a wide range of products and service. Capabilities include prototyping, 3-axis CNC machining, vertical, multi-axis, milling, lathe cutting, laser cutting, boring, assembly and extrusion.

Having hi-tech equipment and experienced manpower is integral to the quality products we produce such as:

Fabricated HDPE fittings

HDPE Pump covers

HDPE Strainers


Perforated HDPE pipe



…. and MUCH more!

14” HDPE Wye

14” HDPE Wye

Sight glass

Sight glass

16” x 8” ID Controlled HDPE Reducing Tee

16” x 8” ID Controlled HDPE Reducing Tee

HDPE Storage Tanks

HDPE Storage Tanks


HDPE Manways (insulated)

HDPE Manways (insulated)